swoons galore to a beautiful soul who never loses the perfect words as they flow from heart to head to pen...

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bless you darling Yolanda, thank you!

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you are a marvel.

much more consistently sane and connected than i feel to be.

we must aspire after those we admire...which i do!

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I know I am a broken record on this, but Jacqueline has kept me sane these last years.

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Thank you. I know I say it all the time, but reading your words is such a gift. I am immediately in a different frame of mind (connected to heart and body) that reminds me of the joy in living. I agree with Yolanda - you are an inspiration in many ways…

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Thank you honey, your words are very welcome, love you.

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Jun 21Liked by Sabrina Page

Your subjects and words for me are always timely - filled with inspiration and validation. For instance, " there is a quiet love for ourselves and the world, even in the messiest of situations." I think this will become my mantra. Thank you for the messages you give to my heart.

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Thank you for writing Marsha, I love that you chose that sentence, it has meaning for me too.

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You are a very gifted wordsmith, Sabrina and I also felt very connected to my surroundings/nature after reading your words. Thank you!

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Mary thank you! Your words make my heart sing, I appreciate you telling me.

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