This past week I found myself asking: where is the hope for this world? I was feeling the darkness of the world, a sense of dread, and concern for finding my own way through all this. I find it depressing to live in a world of conflict, wars, and the censoring of speech. My left brain started to hurt. I surrendered to the ache, lying down, and just feeling how the energy wanted to unravel. Soon it was meandering down the left side of my body to my ribs and arm, and then eventually down to my big toe. Over time as I just attended lightly to what was happening, I felt my right big toe as well, and eventually a whole body/both sides of the brain lightness.
In the next few days I began connecting up more ideas. I felt into this arising of wholeness from within, trusting the making sense of things to emerge. The coming together of a number of strands for this essay arose from seeking a sense of hope.
Collaborative intelligence
There is a brilliance far superior to AI that is our innovative natural intelligence. It is a collaboration arising out of our capacity for interbeing - a bodied and earthed intelligence arising from our embeddedness in nature. We collaborate with nature, and we collaborate with the archetypes most influencing us, individually and collectively. This is brilliance arising from the mind of the universe, accessed through the felt body experience of our infinitely creative source connection. We don’t push or do anything, we just relax into the spaciousness, and the brilliance arises through us.
Through receptivity, an aspect of our feminine side, we feel the energies of the moment through the waters of our bodies. Wave patterns in this inner sea form with every thought, and ideas arise. Words have power, and as we pay close attention to what we are aligning with, we dream our new reality. The natural or the artificial, the beautiful or the ugly, freedom or control, these are archetypal patterns we choose to participate in. Together, aligning with certain patterns, we shape our world.
The mind of the new earth is intertwined with our own body mind, we are not only tapping into a fresh creative intelligence, we are revitalizing our bodies as well. A new body that resonates with the future earth. While the old is dying and we see conflict and wars in the media, there is a new frequency emerging that is replete with hope and possibility. We each dream this new earth through what we dream for ourselves and the future. What does your most beautiful vision of a better world feel and look like? We participate and create the outcome through our vision and actions. The brilliance that is emerging is light and intelligence together - a luminous body and world.
Current archetypal influences
While this is a dark hour, the old is crumbling and the new is emerging through us. We are leaving the Piscean age and entering the Aquarian Age. Pluto, moving from Capricorn after 21 years to establish herself in Aquarius in 2024, is part of that shift. Pluto can be seen as power and transformation, including destruction and re-creation. In Capricorn she has challenged the established order, the corporate, and the powers that be, destroying what is no longer needed,
Aquarius is characteristically brilliant as well as visionary, looking towards the future. As someone who is Aquarian by birth, I collaborate with this archetype in a way unique to myself. My perception of the Aquarian archetype reveals that while Aquarius is associated with mind as an air sign, we have overlooked that water carries information. Her symbol, the water bearer, arises from a stream of stars pouring through her constellation. Aquarius is not mere intellect, but receives information from everywhere, from the sky and through resonance with the waters of the earth. As the water bearer she feels deeply within the inner sea of her body for the the information carried by water. She perceives the archetypal waves of feeling through organs and emotions, and expresses insights that move through her. As we move forward in the next years we will become increasingly influenced by Aquarian energies. Aquarius rules both the group/community and individuality within community.
The planetary ruler of Aquarius is Uranus, the surprising unexpected, the sudden flash of brilliance, innovation, and freedom. Uranus is currently in the earthy sign of Taurus, and there will be a Taurus lunar eclipse full moon on October 28th. My hope in the current years with Uranus in Taurus - as ruler of Aquarius - would be a brilliant intertwining, a collaboration with the whole of us, earth, body and all beings, that illuminates our creativity for the future. A collaboration that reawakens a grounded vision of compassion, beauty, truth and love.
Uranus inspires a perceptual leap. I have found that when I am receptive, patterns of meaning arise in unexpected ways, and I am transformed through my inquiry. I participate with what is arising through me, and the brilliance of the world reveals itself to me. Here Tarnas, a former professor of mine, explains:
The study of archetypal forms opens the archetypal eye. And thus the open encounter with the potential reality of an animus mundi (the world soul) makes possible its actual discernment. In this view, only by opening ourselves to being changed and expanded by that which we hope to understand will we be able to understand at all. Such a shift requires gradually opening our awareness to a dimension of reality that, though potentially of deep significance, may at first seem scarcely perceptible, ‘the subtle patterns which connect’ — patterns of meaning within and without, the delicate and elusive, the repressed and denied, that which is obscured by our certainties, that which suggests and intimates rather than commands and proves. Such a transformation in our approach to life requires, as Jung saw, a new openness to our own ‘other,’ our interior other: our unconscious, in all its plentitude of forms. For here, perhaps, we can begin to encounter the interior mystery of the cosmos itself.
One aspect of that interior mystery of the cosmos involves our own interior waters, the blood, lymph, and cellular fluids which carry the emotional and chemical information throughout the body. The new emerges within us, as we deepen in our understanding of the body organs that regulate the waters of our bodies - the kidneys and bladder:
Their function of maintaining the healthy flow of the body’s fluids and the right balance of water and minerals withing the blood is vital to life. These organs are considered to be the storehouse of the Vital Essence or life-force in Chinese medicine. They are associated with courage, vitality and commitment; in a weakened state, they are associate with lifelessness, exhaustion, fear and stress. Many people tend to suffer from stress and exhaustion in the kidney area, reflecting our cultural difficulty in knowing how to nurture this vital life force and maintain the right internal balance amid the pace and pressure of modern life.
Reflecting it’s function of alternately holding and releasing, the bladder might be associated with feelings of buoyant support, containment and directionality. Linda Hartley, Wisdom of the Body Moving
There are many more organs in the human body that are held in our inner waters. These two organs, the kidneys and bladder, are very relevant to the stress we are experiencing in these recent years. We need to embody the qualities of these organs as we move forward into the new: the courage, vitality and commitment of the kidneys and the buoyant support, containment and directionality of the bladder.
Also related to the body fluids, we are learning that the heart is not a pump, but rather there is a continual spiraling within the vascular system that moves the blood. Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen of Body Mind Centering speaks to how the arteries and veins meet at the edges of the capillaries and assist the heart:
There is a place in the capillary beds that I call the zone of the isoring. This is the area where the arterial flow moves into the venous flow. It's similar to estuaries where freshwater meets the sea. It's a dynamic place of fluid transition – an energizing of the blood that is very important for the resting of the heart. The zone of the isoring provides a peripheral counterforce to support the centrality of the heart. There is a lot of emphasis on core strength being a held position. What I'm sharing in this clip is how to let go of static core strength and to find the dynamic core strength that’s given to us freely without causing stress to our hearts. Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen from a somatic exploration, the Zone of the Isoring, on you tube.
I feel great hope as I discover new understanding through the archetypes of the body. We need a way forward that evolves from the ground up, from the source of each of us, from the interconnection with the sky, the earth, and her waters - not from a corporate entity or political think tank. Not from AI - artificial intelligence. Our natural innovative intelligence will and must guide us in the coming years.
When I focus on hope, I also notice the upward rise of the breath through my lungs, a desire to reach my arms to the sky, as well as a feeling of support through the underside of my arms. My feet are inclined to move towards tip-toe, and I am in a full and new extension of my body. I am aligning even further with the earth while reaching towards the sky, uniting heaven and earth more fully through my body.
Each of us has a unique calling to be fully ourselves. Every direction we need unfolds from our deep interconnection with source. Part of the mystery in this life is unraveling our unique creativity, which rests on being fully ourselves in the face of a world that wants us to conform and be like everyone else. As we listen to that still voice within, our natural sense of light and ease arises again.
We bring out our inner Aquarian through whatever is ours to do, offering our brilliant innovative intelligence in collaboration with the waters and earth of the planet. As an example, most recently I have been finding new inspiration from combining my knowledge of archetypal astrology with my somatic and nature based work. This has sparked some of the insights in this essay today, which in turn I hope spark you.
Thank you for joining me here today!
Sabrina Page, MA in Philosophy, Cosmology and Consciousness, is an Aquarian with Sun trine Uranus.
I offer a mirror for your true brilliance, uniquely expressed and embodied, to emerge. I will support you in living life fully, freely, and fluidly, intertwined with nature. I have extensive study in movement (with Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen), dance (with Emilie Conrad) and astrology (with Prof. Richard Tarnas), some of the leading individuals in their fields. My private sessions are offered on zoom, phone, or in person in Bolinas, Ca.
More information is available on my website,
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well m'lady, as usual i love it, and this one line went flying off without me catching a wink of it: "The zone of the isoring provides a peripheral counterforce to support the centrality of the heart." Not even sure how to start considering that...but go ahead with more of your idea...
I love the intertwining of the archetypal (and astrological) with your embodied insights, Sabrina. I feel this description enhances our ability to perceive our radical interconnectedness with all there is, feeling and experiencing the flow of archetypal forces within and without. Bravo!